How Many Pair of Underwear Do I Really Need?

A few days before my last day at work, I was in full swing, dumping my old life.

“This week I’ve been getting gear ready. How many underwear do I need? How many socks? Get my rain gear out. Put it all in my bags. How many bags do I need? Can I fit all of this in my camera bag? I put the bags together and took it all outside and put it on the bike rack and tried to see how everything is going to fit. Just trying to make sure everything is ready to go. I guess I’m still feeling a little anxious. Maybe because we as humans are so risk adverse, preprogrammed to avoid any kind of loss. Makes me think more about the loss: worrying, loosing something or people or opportunities. Instead of all the great things that I’ll be experiencing. So I’m just trying to focus on the freedom I’ll feel on the bike, feeling the sunshine, seeing the stars. Packing your bags for a couple of weeks is hard. It’d be easier if we just get it over. Just do it tomorrow. Let’s go.”

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